Expanding understandings of Flexicurity in Hungary!
Flexicurity = flexibility + security
Students from 8 different European countries are studying together actual themes on active labour market policies, lifelong learning, flexible and reliable contractual arrangement and modern social security systems. 4 students of Oulu UAS participate in the project.
At the beginning we learnt some useful Hungarian vocabulary by the Hungarian bus driver. The next adventure was the division of rooms that appeared to be challenging. We are staying in the countryside of beautiful Lake Balaton and enjoy the Hungarian hospitality. It is spring here: blooming trees, spring flowers, cherry trees, so beautiful. The village is clean and elegant.
At the weekend we´ll go to Budapest for company visit, cultural attractions, the Parliament, sightseeing and other attractions.
Our long and intensive days consist of lectures, workshops, social events, team building sessions and group work. The program is tight and there is no so much free time. But we all enjoy here and looking forward to sunny and historical Budapest!
Päivi Aro, Isabela Ion (DIB1SN), Petri Miinalainen (YLI3SY), Tiina Schroderus (LIK1SNLJ) and Henna Turula (LIK0SNC)